Boston Recovery Pathways is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, and works in partnership with local support services, employers, and local treatment providers, to create a range of addiction recovery and learning opportunities that will ensure the best outcomes for their beneficiaries and the wider community.
The project offers a wide range of services including:
- Personal development and peer support groups;
- Accredited mentoring and other training;
- Drug and alcohol awareness training to members of the community;
- Services for Eastern European community members;
- Group support for family members
The overall aims of BRP are that more people will recover from drug/ alcohol problems, gain new skills & qualifications, have increased confidence and feel connected to their local community.
To contact the project please call 01205 205 028

Here’s what some participants have to say:
I am 2 months sober and want to keep sober in order to be there for my family. I am feeling the positive effects of not drinking: more involved with family life, more responsible behaviours, more money…
I feel lucky to have found Boston Recovery Pathways project as they are inclusive of my nationality and background, and there are other people here from my part of the world. Just that gives me sense of community and I feel a part of it.
Before accessing the service, I felt lost. Over the last 6 months, having engaged with mutual aid groups and Boston Recovery Pathways, I can see progress in my recovery: I am in control of my drinking, I have purpose in life, I feel happier, and I am experiencing less anxiety.