Lincolnshire Recovery Partnership is the name of the new partnership between us, Turning Point and Framework Housing Association. Double Impact provides Recovery Support (including the Lincolnshire Academy) across the system.
If you want to get involved in any of our events or groups simply talk to a Double Impact or Turning Point member of staff who can give you the relevant times and venues you need or give us a call.
Contact details:

Scunthorpe Recovery Service aims to develop a comprehensive recovery service to meet the needs of individuals exiting drug and alcohol treatment (or self-referring from the local community) and building on the positive outcomes gained during that process.
Services are designed to connect service users to internal and external recovery opportunities including group programmes, training and mutual aid.
Scunthorpe Recovery Service, commissioned by North Lincolnshire Council, is delivered in partnership with the local treatment provider, We Are With You.
Tel: 01724 410423
Email: scunthorpe@doubleimpact.org.uk

In addition, our Boston Recovery Pathways project focuses on people with drug and alcohol issues in Boston and the surrounding areas, as well as providing support to families and local Eastern European communities.
or Get in touch
or contact 01205 205 028

Recovery Connector Apprenticeship Scheme
Becoming a support worker in the drug and alcohol sector or the wider health and social care sector is an attractive career path for many who achieve a stable recovery and want to give something back. Our Recovery Connector Apprenticeship Scheme builds on our courses and voluntary schemes to provide the next step along the journey and prepare people to make that leap into full-time paid employment in the sector.
Recovery Connectors are employed within our main services in Nottingham and Lincolnshire, to work as part-time paid staff for 12 months. During this time they are supported to study towards a Health & Social Care Level 3 qualification, and given specific employment support to prepare them for their next opportunity. To find out more, speak to your keyworker or use the contact details opposite.
We are pleased to be partnering with Turning Point and Framework to deliver recovery services for Lincoln and Lincolnshire